Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You Want Me To Eat What?...

I tried to be the mom that made all homemade baby foods.  I even started doing it, and was enjoying it.  I was making Baby B a healthier boy by eating foods made from home.  Right?  He is going to love them because they are made with love.  Right?


I couldn't figure out why he wasn't eating food.  I couldn't even make him eat.  He would gag it up every time.

Baby B hates my food.  What is wrong?  It tastes the same as what comes from the jar, I tried it myself!

So I broke down and stocked up on the pre-made stuff.  He likes it.  Whatever!  So needless to say we have been doing a lot of experimenting this week.  When Miss C and Mister P were babies they would not touch a vegetable with a 10 foot pole.  Baby B was doing good.  He loves squash, so I tried carrots and peas.

The outcome was not so great!

Man, oh man do I love these pictures!  Priceless!  My Hubby calls it torture, but whatever, what does he know?  Us mom's have to get pictures like this.  It is called blackmail!

So it seems Baby B is the same as his brother and sister.  No veggies.  Except squash.  I am going to try carrots and apples, but I am pretty sure how won't go for it.  We'll see!


Tobi said...

I love the look on his face. You want me to eat this? Have you tasted it? Yuck Mom!

Keep up the cute faces Baby B and your parents will cave.

Anonymous said...

I loved to make my kids gag! SO FUNNY! To get them to eat the more bitter green veggies I mixed a bit of their cereal in with it. I always made their cereal with formula milk, so the veggie taste was masked a bit until they got used to it.

Christina said...

Those pictures are CLASSIC! Those are definitely keepers. I agree that a good way to do veggies is mixing with cereal. I have to do that with green beans for E. She gags on them unless I mix with cereal. I also have noticed that I have to puree it like crazy and make it pretty thin--the texture can get the babies more than the taste sometimes.

Hope you are enjoying TX. CO misses you! :)

Nicole Strimbu said...