Monday, March 8, 2010

Autobots, not Decepticons, JUST Autobots...

Friday night we celebrated Mister P's birthday since we will be moving on Friday, which is his birthday.
He informed me that there were to only be Autobots, and was totally offended when somebody suggested a Decepticon.  Oh, the poor lady at the bakery!  She offered him a "bad guy" and quickly set her straight with the correct name for them and the reprimanded her for even offering such a thing!  

He even put all of his Autobots around the cake to protect it and "the human race"

Mom and Guy Guy gave him this Bumble voice maker.  You talk into a microphone and it plays music while you talk, just like Bee.  Ho totally loves it!  It is hilarious to see him walking around wearing this on his head!

Please ignore the disaster that is my house in the background.  Like I said, we are getting ready to move.  

Happy early birthday to my boy!


Tobi said...

Love the bumble bee mask. Hide it from Dude or we will have a war on our hands!

Happy Birthday Mr. P! I love your cute face.