Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Snow Days...

A few days before Halloween we got a HUGE snow storm. I don't know exactly what we got here, but is was 20+ inches. Miss C had 3 days off school! 3 days, in October. This is shaping up to be a very long winter!
Mister P was scared to walk in the snow because it was so deep, he also was just recovering from his leg injury. I would love to say my kids love each other so much, that is why they are holding hands. However, I made Miss C hold Mister P's hand. She was SO not happy about it!
I don't love this picture, because it is not so great of yours truly. However, I love the spider in the background. Don't you?


Tobi said...

Very cute snow pictures. You sure got a lot of snow! What's funny is people probably think that's normal for Colorado but it's really not.