Friday, May 7, 2010


A short interruption from the tour if you please...

While I was on my epic adventure my Baby B turned 9 months old.
He started doing this.

He got two more pearly whites.

Even though you can't see them in this picture, they are there.
That is four total.
Four reasons I no longer put my finger in his mouth.

How fast they seem to grow in a matter of days. 

Just showin' them off a little more!
I know you just can't get enough of those baby blues...

...I know I can't!
My precious boy.  My Baby B.


Tobi said...

Those are four very good reasons to never put any appendage in Baby B's mouth.

Princess started walking when I went out of town. So I understand what you mean about those little babies making big changes while you are out of town. =)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much he looks like your brothers! So cute!

Jennifer said...

He does, doesn't he! Very Evans that little boy!