Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Don't Know, I Didn't Do It...

I am not a bad mom. Really, I'm not. There are just so may things wrong with this picture.

The phone rang. I had to put Baby B somewhere so I put him down in his bouncer. Normally I buckle him up, but I didn't think I needed to for just a moment. I answered, it was my hubby. He asked me to do something for him, so I obliged. Then I heard my screaming baby in the other room. I thought to myself, "what is all the fuss about?" I walked in to find this. The poor boy was crying louder than I had ever heard him cry. I felt bad because I had to go get the camera to take a picture before I took him out.

From now on, I will just put him on the floor!

If only I took a picture every time I found him wedged underneath the entertainment center, hanging halfway out of his swing or, well, I should just stop there!


Tobi said...

I love that you grabbed your camera before you saved him from the evil bouncy chair. It seems like Baby B is quickly on his way to being a mobile man. =)