Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Friend...

{thank you google images}
My Dear Friend,

I am not going to use your name, you will know who you are.  It has been many years since we have seen each other.  Not since a special night long ago, your wedding reception.  I don't remember how long.  Has it been 14 years?  [I have been corrected, 16 years.  Boy was I off!]

There are so many things I remember.  Some things sound very stalker"ish", but I have a really good memory...promise.  I remember your green velvet prom dress and the time you were a Robert Palmer girl for Halloween.  Like I said, good memory.  More importantly I remember YOU.  Your kind smile an your sweet words.  I will never forget the letter you sent me after you went away to college to tell me you were marrying your beau, of a very short time.  And the night of your reception.  I will always remember talking with you while you changed out of your dress in the Relief Society room.

That was the last time we talked.  I was still in High School, you were married.  It happens.  Then the world of social networking started to come about.  I looked for you on myspace then facebook to no avail.  I couldn't find you anywhere.  Then there was the day I found your sister and through her I found you.  I was so happy to send that friend request.  I was so excited I forgot to tell you how happy I was to finally find you again.  This is a long long long time coming.  I am sorry it has taken so long.

You inspire me.

You inspire me by the honest words you express about your life.  No sugar coating comes from you.  I appreciate that.  You inspire me by your passion to live a healthy life and to pass it on to your children.  You inspire me by your love of the Gospel and the true sweet spirit you have.

Most of all I want to say Thank You.  Thank you for being you.  Thank you for your friendship.  I can always count on you to lift me up and to make me laugh.  I only hope I can do the same for you one day.


{thank you google images}


Tobi said...

Awesome post Jenn! It's wonderful to have friends that inspire us! And way to be a builder!!

Anonymous said...

Good friends are like good bras: hard to find, supportive, comfortable, always lift you up, never let you down or leave you hanging, make you look better, and ALWAYS close to your heart.