Thursday, December 31, 2009
auf Wiedersehen...
Posted by Jennifer 3 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
From My Family...
The Wheeler Family
Dear Family and Friends,
This Christmas season seemed to sneak up on us so fast. We had every intention of sending a Christmas card, but as time passes by it seems more realistic to think it just isn't going to happen this year.
We always look forward to this time of year, and the time it gives us to spend with family. We will be spending this Christmas in Oklahoma City with Walter's family. We are so excited, especially the kids. We haven't spent the holidays there in four years. It will be so fun to have all the grandkids in one room on Christmas morning!
So what has happened this year in the Wheeler house?
We welcomed a new member to our family. Baby B was born on August 5th. He came a week earlier than planned. The hubby was out of town and it was Miss C's first day of school. He sure made a grand entrance into this world, one we won't soon forget! He is the most precious boy. He really does complete our family.
Miss C is 7 years old and in 2nd grade. She is really starting to excel in school, and it is a joy to see her learn and grow. She really does have a passion for learning. She loves to sing and has acquired the nickname "American Idol" by the Hubby. She sings in the bath, the shower, while cleaning her room, doing her homework - pretty much everywhere, all the time. I don't know how she manages to keep quiet at school ALL. DAY. LONG. But she manages, and her teachers love her, which is no surprise. She really enjoys being a big sister to her brothers. We are not sure if it because she likes being the boss, but we do know that she loves them so very much. Even when the are. "Ugh! SO ANNOYING!" (in her words) Miss C is growing up so fast and we treasure watching her learn and grow. We are also looking forward to her baptism this coming April, when she turns 8.
Mister P is 4 years old, and becoming quite the vocal little man of the house. He is no longer the little boy who had the hardest time talking. He is also growing like a little weed, and it seems as if there is no stopping him. As far as he is concerned, he is a super hero. There is no convincing him otherwise. The most shocking to all of us is that he loves having a baby brother. He had been the baby so long, we thought there would be a little jealousy situation, but that never happened. He loves "his baby" so much. Every day he asks us if we can keep him. Every time we answer yes, he is just so thrilled. Mister P brings so much laughter to our family as we watch him grow.
This year we moved twice, once to Grand Junction and then back to Castle Rock. The Hubby's job really does keep us on our toes, but more than anything we are thankful for the work. It is truly a blessing to have a job, and we are extremely grateful that he has been given the opportunity to grow within his company.
I am busy keeping the house in some kind of order. As you can tell, life around here can be a little crazy at times. Somehow I also manage to update my blog every now and then. Just for you crazy people!
During the craziness that this season has become, we pray that you and your families can find the time to remember what this season is all about, that you may cherish the greatest gift, the love of Jesus Christ and that you are surrounded by the ones you love.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
The Hubby, Jenn, Miss C, Mister P and Baby B
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
For My Boy, the Littlest One...
Happy 4 months to my mister mister. As usual I missed it by almost 2 weeks, but I had to share these too cute pictures. He is such a happy baby. He smiles all the time. You wouldn't know it by these pictures though. Baby B is just like his daddy. You plop a camera in front of his face. Encourage him to smile. Then this......
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oh, Christmas Tree...

Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Other Shoe...
Don't you just love it when your husband comes home and says, "Do you want the good news or the bad news?"
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
I have managed to do it again! This poor little blog feels very neglected. I am sorry. I will return, when my life calms down a little. I. Promise.
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
She is Coming...
Last weekend I went to a baby shower for one of my very best friends, Kathy. Wife of Aaron (man with crazy eyebrows), mommy to K Bear and mommy-to-be of Baby E Bear.
These bags were adorable. I wish I could say I was this creative, but I am not. They said:
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ghouls and Goblins...
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Crazy for Carving...
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
She's So Vain...
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Snow Days...
A few days before Halloween we got a HUGE snow storm. I don't know exactly what we got here, but is was 20+ inches. Miss C had 3 days off school! 3 days, in October. This is shaping up to be a very long winter!
Mister P was scared to walk in the snow because it was so deep, he also was just recovering from his leg injury. I would love to say my kids love each other so much, that is why they are holding hands. However, I made Miss C hold Mister P's hand. She was SO not happy about it!
I don't love this picture, because it is not so great of yours truly. However, I love the spider in the background. Don't you?
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Time Flies...
My little Baby B is 3 months old today. I can hardly believe how big he is getting. His little smiles and coos melt my heart every time! He is such a precious boy. He truly completes this little family.
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Perfect Fall Day...
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Two Month Boy...
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
10 years...
A few weeks ago I went to my 10 year High School reunion. I was a crazy woman - I packed up my three kids (and practically my whole house) and drove 14 hours to Broken Arrow. To do what you ask? To go to a football game. Hmm...Would I do it again? Probably not. BUT, I did get to see some of my friends. I didn't get many pictures, but here is one that I will treasure forever.

Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Finding Hope...
As I started to brainstorm about this blog, in particular, it started out as something very different. An e-mail I received made me think very long and hard about the events surrounding September 11th. It was a comment in the e-mail that made me, well, upset at how some people in this world are viewed because of that horrible day 8 years ago. But then there was this video attached to the bottom of that e-mail. I didn't watch it right away because of the comments that were made and the lack of time I had that day. Eventually I got around to watching it., after the contents of this blog were nearly complete. After I watched it, well, I deleted the whole thing. Why? What I was writing is not appropriate for such a day as this. This video is so powerful. I have not been able to stop thinking about it since.
Posted by Jennifer 4 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Kids Say...
As I was sitting around this afternoon (a luxury I do not get often these days), I was thinking about how difficult my life is right now. Of all the things I have accomplished, having a newborn and 2 older kiddos has to be the hardest thing I have done to date. Did I mention that my oh-so wonderful hubby is not present? So yes, I was having a pity party. I was this close to calling my hubby and telling him he better get home right now or.... Who knows how bad that could have become.
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Growing Boy...
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments