Friday, September 11, 2009

Finding Hope...

As I started to brainstorm about this blog, in particular, it started out as something very different. An e-mail I received made me think very long and hard about the events surrounding September 11th.  It was a comment in the e-mail that made me, well, upset at how some people in this world are viewed because of that horrible day 8 years ago.  But then there was this video attached to the bottom of that e-mail.  I didn't watch it right away because of the comments that were made and the lack of time I had that day.  Eventually I got around to watching it., after the contents of this blog were nearly complete.  After I watched it, well, I deleted the whole thing.  Why?  What I was writing is not appropriate for such a day as this.  This video is so powerful.  I have not been able to stop thinking about it since. 

May we never forget.  May we remember that we are ONE Nation under God.
God Bless those who serve our country in any capacity.
God Bless the families of those who have given the greatest sacrifice.  
God Bless the United States of that I love!


Tobi said...

Beautiful. Amazing. Thank you for sharing this message with us on the 8th anniversary of 9/11.

Anonymous said...

You have a blog! Yay! It's so nice to see you again! Your kids are DARLING/ :)

* said...

Wow, this is great. Thank you so much. (moment of silence for 9/11 and all that was lost...)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment today. Love you, girl!