I am so thankful that our church has a party for kids to play and be safe. It also gives the grown ups time to talk with each other. I love Halloween, but it is all about the kids and the food in this house! This is a nice stress free night of fellowship, chili, games and lots of candy.
Love It!
What do I love the most? Letting my kids run around without adult supervision. What mommy doesn't appreciate a little time like that?
How can you resist a little froggy handing out candy? I know I can't. I know there wasn't a grown up or kid alike that didn't comment on this extreme cuteness! Thank you Tia for this cute little costume, and for thinking way ahead when I was only thinking about the new baby that was keeping me up at night.
Then there is this strange pink leopard that was following me around all night. Hmmm... She is so cute we decided to keep her.
Okay, agreeing on a costume for this little chica is not easy task. It was so much easier when they are younger and wear pretty much whatever you choose for them. (in my house the only person I can dress without an opinion is Baby B) We had to get two, yes TWO, costumes for this opinionated 7 year old! One for trunk or treat and one for Halloween. Spoiled? Maybe. Did I get the costume I wanted her to wear? Absolutely! You will have to wait and see what we chose after Saturday.
Wolverine wouldn't stop eating candy long enough for me to take a decent picture of him. I pretty much let him get away with it though, because I feel bad for his little gimpy leg. He didn't get to have as much fun as the other kids. Daddy had to carry him around to all the cars. B.O.R.I.N.G.
I guess I never said anything about Mister P's leg before. I guess that will have to be in another post! Just know his splint matches his costume. Very Important!
You already had your ward Trunk or Treat?? Ours is this Friday. Although I'm thinking we might get rained out.
Love all the kiddos dressed up for Halloween. And yes Cassidy is spoiled. ;)
We always have ours the Saturday before Halloween. I love it because the kids get two halloween's!
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