Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Konversations With Kidz...

Miss C:  What is ?????
Me:  I don't know.  Google it.
Miss C:  Oh, Okay.
Me:  You know, back when I was growing up we didn't have google.  We had to use an encyclopedia.
Miss C:  Oooh, I have heard of one of those!
Me:  Geez!

Mr. P:  Do we get to go to the book fair today?
Me:  No, not until tomorrow.
Mr. P: But...
Me:  No, you have to wait until tomorrow.
Mr. P:  Ah Damn.
Me:  What did you say?????
Mr: P:  I said, "AH DAMN!"
Me:  GEEZ!

Miss C:  I learned about Eleanor Roosevelt at school today.
Me:  She was married to a President.
Miss C:  Uh ya, I know that.
Me:  I don't remember which one though.  Was it Franklin or Theodore?
Miss C:  Uh, number 32.
Me:  Oh, I didn't know he was the 32nd president.
Miss C:  Uh ya.  WHAT?  You didn't know that?
Me:  Geez!

We are driving home from school passing a house where a very (no joke here) over weight man lives.  He happens to be outside.
Mr. P:  Woah.  Look at him.  He is puffed up.
Me:  That's not nice.
Mr. P:  He is B.I.G.
Me:  That's not nice.
Mr.  P:  He's round.
Me:  That's not nice.
Mr. P:  He's round like a giant meatball.
Me:  (trying not to laugh out loud hysterically)
Mr. P:  Giant's like to eat meatballs.  Especially giant puffed up meatballs!
Me:  That's not nice.  Geez!!!!!

Me:  Said something to my hubby about going on a date.
Mr. P:  A DATE?  Daddy, are you going to kiss mommy?
Hubby:  Yes, yes I will.
Me and Hubby and Miss C:  Rolling on the floor laughing.


Tobi said...

Hysterical Jenn! Especially that Mr. P couldn't stand the thought of his parents kissing. =)