There are days I am excited to start a new life in a new place. I am definitely excited to be with my husband again, and the kids with their daddy. I am excited to take advantage of the warm weather when there is usually several inches of snow on the ground here. I am excited to decorate another house! For those of you who know me well, know that is something I get excited about - easily. I am excited for Rudy's and Texas-shaped waffles.
Then there are days that I am overwhelmed by the sheer size of this place. I mean seriously 10 lane highways? I am so sad to be leaving my friends. So sad, in fact, that I have cried about three times today and likely will again before the end of this post. Then the summers, nope not excited for them! Not to mention bugs. That just sends shivers up my spine. And as much as I am used to starting over, I am scared to start over again.
Colorado is my home, but Texas feels a lot like home too.
Now it is 6:15 and my kids are starving. In the name of all that is good, WHY do my kids need to eat? They are so needy!
It must be a disease because my kids are like bottomless pits. Food must come at regular intervals or it's heavy on the grouchy-ness.
I think you will like living in Texas. I know I'm going to love living in Colorado. =)
Well, I don't know how much this will help but you will actually be closer to me and Sarah. We may even be able to plan real Girl's Weekends!
On the other note, my kids will be starving in less than 10 minutes after eating a full meal full of good stuff they like to eat. And they'll eat 2nds and sometimes 3rds. Ethan (the 5 year old) can eat an entire D'Giorno Pizza BY HIMSELF! I can only eat 2 maybe 3 pieces.
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