Okay, I get it!
I am assuming I am not the only mom, at the end of my pregnancy, that just wants it to be over. Since I was about 32 weeks I was so ready to be done already! At 36 weeks (let's be honest, it was more like 34 or 35 weeks) I contemplated ways to induce labor. I can't tell you how many times in the last few days I have read or seen articles about how it is dangerous to choose your own due date, or induce early. I have been reminded that a due date is only an estimate. After all, EDD does mean estimated due date. I have also been reminded that it is not abnormal for an EDD to be off by 2 weeks (for some unlucky mothers that means 2 weeks longer).
Luckily for me it will always be 39 weeks. I know I complain about not being able to have baby earlier, but I can deal with 2 more weeks, if that is what nature intends. Of course I will welcome early labor with my arms wide open. However, I promise here and now that I will not try to make myself go into labor early.
14 days and 13 hours from now Baby B will make his entrance into this world. I can live with that....
I would be impatient too. Your uncomfortable all the time and you just want to be the sole being occupying your body. I get ya. Plus you want to see Baby B's gorgeous face!!
Who could blame a girl...right? I mean, I do make pretty darn cute babies, so you bet your britches I can't wait to meet him. I did see his face already in a dream, but I am keeping that info to myself. I haven't even told Walter yet!
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