Wednesday, April 28, 2010

'Til Later...

Good bye readers.

Just until next week.  I am leaving in the morning for Washington D.C.  with Tobi.  I am so looking forward to this trip.  

No kiddos.  
No husbands.  
Just girls.  

I hope to return with many many pictures like this one.
{photo: google images}

Here's to a long awaited trip!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Second White Dress...

In our religion we can get baptized when we turn eight.  
On our recent trip back to Colorado we had Miss C's Baptism.  It was a joy to see her so happy.  On the plane that night she wrote a letter.  It said:

My Baptism
Today I got baptized.
Today was the best day of my life.  
And I got the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I wish daddy could get baptized too.

She was baptized by my Dad.

The kids couldn't get enough of the water.  In fact, when Miss C walked down into the font Mister P said, "Hey, that's my sister in there and her pants are all wet!"

Miss C with her Mommy and Mom.
Miss C and her favorite teacher Sister D.
Miss C and her Grandparents, Mimi and Grampy.
Miss C and her Great-Grandparents, Nana and Papa.
Miss C, Mister P and their best friend K Bear.

I can't thank enough people for all they did.  
Kathy and her beautiful voice.  Tobi for being there and the pictures.  Emily for the dress. Evelyn for the hair and Diana for the jewelry.  Val and Aaron for the talks.  Dad for baptizing her, and mom for the flowers.  Paul and April for the flowers.  Sheryl for her inspiration and the gifts.  Scott, Shawne and the kids for coming.  It was good to see you.  And everyone else in our old ward for coming.  We are going to miss you all - terribly.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Day in Pictures...

Getting ready to go.

Cold and rainy.  Not our day of fun at the beach.


Baby B wasn't digging the wind too much!

The sun finally came out and the kids, yes all three of them, had a great time!

Baby B could have cared less.  He fell asleep in his stroller.

He finally decided to start having some fun!

The ice cream man kept tormenting us driving up and down the beach.  I can't tell you how many time we had to say, "NO, you can't have any!"

When the sun started to go down it got colder.  Miss C and Mister P were ready to get out of there.

Miss C's choice was Rainforest Cafe for dinner
It was her Birthday after all.

We braved the "Volcano" for dessert.  
Enough said.


Colors of the Rainbow...

I don't know what happened.  How do my kids think that rainbow flowers are the way to mom's heart?

Where did I go wrong?

Miss C was devastated to find out that these flowers don't naturally bloom in colors of purple, blue, orange and green.  Sorry.

I can see how these would appeal to them.  Colors are their favorite things right now!

Thanks for the birthday present from my kiddos.

She's Eight...

A few days late, as usual...

On April 8th Miss C turned 8.  She keeps saying "I was 8 on the 8th!  That's weird."

There is a lot going on in celebration of this birthday.  Eight is a big number for us.  There will be a few other posts to follow.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Eight Down...

Baby B is 8 months old.  He is getting so big!  I tried hard to get a good picture of him, but we all know that is no easy task.  I was too lazy and tried to take a picture with my computer instead of the camera.  I can never seem to find the time to upload them  to my computer, which is why most of my pictures are never shared.  Yep, pure laziness!

He moved so fast, most of them are blurry.  This is how it went...

This chronological order of pictures pretty much explains how active this little boy is.  He refuses to sit up.  I think it is kind of an inconvenience.  He moves so much, it doesn't seem that he would want to sit still long enough to actually balance on his bum.  When we try to make him sit he locks his legs straight and stiffens his back.  Enough said.

He doesn't crawl, but does a mean army man.  He gets where he needs to go on that tummy of his, and fast too!

Here's to maybe getting a better picture tomorrow...