Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You Want Me To Eat What?...

I tried to be the mom that made all homemade baby foods.  I even started doing it, and was enjoying it.  I was making Baby B a healthier boy by eating foods made from home.  Right?  He is going to love them because they are made with love.  Right?


I couldn't figure out why he wasn't eating food.  I couldn't even make him eat.  He would gag it up every time.

Baby B hates my food.  What is wrong?  It tastes the same as what comes from the jar, I tried it myself!

So I broke down and stocked up on the pre-made stuff.  He likes it.  Whatever!  So needless to say we have been doing a lot of experimenting this week.  When Miss C and Mister P were babies they would not touch a vegetable with a 10 foot pole.  Baby B was doing good.  He loves squash, so I tried carrots and peas.

The outcome was not so great!

Man, oh man do I love these pictures!  Priceless!  My Hubby calls it torture, but whatever, what does he know?  Us mom's have to get pictures like this.  It is called blackmail!

So it seems Baby B is the same as his brother and sister.  No veggies.  Except squash.  I am going to try carrots and apples, but I am pretty sure how won't go for it.  We'll see!

Welcome Home...

I know this is a bit old, but I had to share.  When we were packing up our old house to make the big move I told Mister P and Miss C that they would bring one backpack full of toys.  That's it, that is all they would have for a while, until the boxes get unpacked.

Of course Mister P picked his transformers.

Really? What else would find it's way into his backpack?

The day the movers' were at our new house, loading it up with boxes and all our other junk, I came in to find this.
Atop our mantel was this.  All, I mean ALL big and small, of his transformers were lined up on our mantel, "protecting the human race."

Hey, it would not be our house if it wasn't filled with Autobots and Decepticons.

I love my little boy.  He is just so precious!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Look what I have done.

I have landed myself, and my family, in an extremely diverse area.  (I don't know how else to put it.)  Most days I don't have a problem with it, but today when I took Miss C to her first day of school I was a little worried.  I don't have a problem with people of other races, I just hope the kids and parents around here are the same.  

Being a minority is a little nerve racking at times.  

I have to admit when I was shopping yesterday in a different part of town I felt so much more at home.  Note: this part of town is only a few miles up the road.  

Is it time to move yet?

Really, I didn't just say that!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Land That I Love...

You never really appreciate where you live until you have to leave it.  

I will miss what I see right here from my house.

I will miss this view as I drive into town.

I will miss the colorful spring-summers.

I will miss the picturesque autumns full of golden aspens.

I will miss the snow capped peaks.

I will miss...

"Rocky Mountain High, Colorado"
Okay, really, I couldn't help myself!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Autobots, not Decepticons, JUST Autobots...

Friday night we celebrated Mister P's birthday since we will be moving on Friday, which is his birthday.
He informed me that there were to only be Autobots, and was totally offended when somebody suggested a Decepticon.  Oh, the poor lady at the bakery!  She offered him a "bad guy" and quickly set her straight with the correct name for them and the reprimanded her for even offering such a thing!  

He even put all of his Autobots around the cake to protect it and "the human race"

Mom and Guy Guy gave him this Bumble voice maker.  You talk into a microphone and it plays music while you talk, just like Bee.  Ho totally loves it!  It is hilarious to see him walking around wearing this on his head!

Please ignore the disaster that is my house in the background.  Like I said, we are getting ready to move.  

Happy early birthday to my boy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sexy Mom Car...

This is my new ride. 
"a mommy car" according to Mr. P.
Mine is pearl white.
It has blue tooth, so I can talk on my phone through the speakers.
Miss C is thrilled because it has a special place just for her ipod.
Mister P is especially excited about the cup holders in the back.  Why?  Good question!
My hubby is happy because I am happy!

 Oh how I love you!  And oh how I love my honey for buying me this new toy!