Do I love Twilight? Yes. Am I slightly obsessed? Yes. Did I go at midnight to buy Breaking Dawn? Yes. Did I stand in line at Borders will all the crazy twilighters? No.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Posted by Jennifer 4 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Race for Second Base 2008
Today my friend, Kathy, and I did the Race for the Cure 5k run/walk. It was so inspirational to see people from all walks of life there to support such a worthy cause! Last I heard, more than 62,000 people had registered for the race. We were supposed to meet up with some people from my work , but there were so many people there...that never happened! Go, Team Ann Cares!!!
Posted by Jennifer 3 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Olympic Craziness!
The Olympics is always an exciting time in our house. This year, well, with the late nights and the amazing triumphs it has been one of the most exciting ever. Cassidy is just the right age to really start enjoying it. She has begged and begged to stay up and watch the diving and the gymnastics. Which brings up my next question...Do you think we have been watching a little too much Olympics? Look at her! The other night while watching the Women's Floor Exercise she tried to do a front flip (that was until I realized what she was doing and quickly stopped her.) She asks me everyday when she will start going to gymnastics. That is not going to happen any time soon, so in the meantime I am trying to teach her the much safer headstands, back bends, splits and back walkovers. What can I say? Gymnastics must run in her blood!
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Breaking Dawn Disappointment?
Let me start by saying that everybody is entitled to their own opinion. The beautiful thing about reading is that each and every one of us can create our own imaginary world through the words of an author.
- Jake's point of view. It was very interesting, and necessary, to see things from the mind of a wolf. I think it was very interesting to see the perspective of the pack on many of these issues. Seth and Leah made an interesting addition to the story. I am not "Team Jacob" but book 2 helped me get to know him better and actually like him for the first time. Really, how exciting would it have been to hear Bella talk about being pregnant? Seriously, we all know how that feels!
- The wedding....of course! And the honeymoon.
- Bella's new vampire experience. The experience of the change, how she took in all her new surroundings. It was wonderfully written!
- I loved seeing Edward and Bella as equals. This helped see a new side of him that you didn't see in the other 3 books. He could be the real Edward, and that was very gratifying!
- The characters! Emmett is awesome as always. Rosalie was annoying, but I do understand why she is the way she is. Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper...all of them. I so love the Cullens!
- I actually really appreciated that Jacob imprinted on Nessie. It is not perverted or sick. Stephenie Meyer built up to this in Eclipse when Quil imprinted. Jacob was bound to become a member of the family in one way or another, so I think it quite appropriate with whom he imprinted.
Posted by Jennifer 5 comments
Labels: Breaking Dawn, Stephenie Meyer, Twilight
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
And the journey begins.....
It is with much persuasion, and hesitation, that I join this world of blogging. I want to say thank you (or no thank you) to Tobi for convincing me that this is a necessary form of communication! Ah yes, there is a lot of improvement needed, just stick around for a little while and I promise those improvements will be made. Give me time... it will happen!
Posted by Jennifer 3 comments